Mental Health Services for Children, Youth & Families

ANNUAL REPORT 2016 -2017 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MATC acknowledges that today we are on Treaty One territory and on the homeland of the Metis Nation. We also acknowledge that Manitoba includes the original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji -Cree, Dakota and Dene people and Inuit people We respect the Treaties that were made on these […]

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[…] gave all an opportunity to share stories and remembrances of our friend and colleague. Dr. Julie Enyingi took on the role of Acting Medical Director in mid -April. Following Dr. Sutherland’s passing, Dr. Enyingi was appointed into the position for a 5 -year term. She has worked hard to make the transition seamless. Dr. […]

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Missi on Statement MATC provides a range of mental health services to children and youth who experience psychiatric and/or emotional disorders. MATC strives to be culturally sensitive, responsive, and innovative in meeting the changing needs of children, youth, families and communities. Vision Statement MATC assumes a leadership role in the delivery of a prompt […]

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CMHA National Statement Responding to Netflix Series: 13 Reasons Why April 20, 2017 The Canadian Mental Health Association ( CMHA National) joins with the Centre for Suicide Prevention (CSP) in raising concerns about content in 13 Reasons Why , a recent Netflix series that depicts the suicide of a young woman , and its […]

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Sexuality and Self -Care Skills MATC Neurodevelopmental Services (NDS) offers educati onal, introductory seminars for parents, caregivers, school staff and community professionals involved with school -aged children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. This presentation will provide information, strategies, and ideas regarding issues that affect adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder relating to sexuality, puberty, and […]

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MATC ANNUAL REPORT 2018 -2019 MATC provides a range of mental health services to children and youth who experience psychiatric and/or emoti onal disorders. MATC strives to be culturally sensitive, responsive, and innovative in meeting the changing needs of children, youth, families and communities. MATC assumes a leadership role in the delivery of a […]

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MATC ANNUAL REPORT 2019 -2020 MATC provides a range of mental health assessment and treatment services to children and youth who experience mental health, addiction, behavioral and/or emotional disorders. MATC is a leader in the delivery of a range of culturally sensitive, accessible, equitable and integrated services to assist children, youth and their families […]

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[…] Y EAR : 2014 TO 201 5 PROGRAM NAME : Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services DATE OF SUBMISSION : October 15 , 2014 QUALITY TEAM CO -CHAIR S: Doris Dong , Dr. Andrew Hall Q UALITY ISSUE (W HY ) O BJECTIVES (Q UALITY INITIA TIVES ) P LAN OF A CTION (W HAT […]

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[…] in H ollyw ood and is not possible in real life. M em orializing som eone w ho died by suicide is not a recom m ended practice. D ecorating som eone’s locker w ho died by suicide and/or taking selfies in front of such a m em orial is not appropriate and does […]

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Supplemen tary Fi nan c ia l Statements Manitoba Adolescent Treatments Centre Inc. December 31, 2020 Contents Page Independent Auditors’ Report on Supplementary Financial Information 1 -2 Introduction to Supplementary Financial Information 3 Schedule of Compensation of $75,000 or More 45 1 Independent Auditors’ Report on Supplementary Financial Information To the Board of Directors […]

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