Mental Health Services for Children, Youth & Families

[…] so that we know how many people visit our site, the geographical region they are from, and which pages they view on our site. As a general practice, the information is aggregated and maintained in statistical reports and individuals are not identified. However, if an attempt to damage or disrupt the Site is detected, […]

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[…] Psychiatry and the DSM-5 Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child & Youth Mental Health – learning module: Youth Suicide Prevention, Risk Management and Postvention Initiating Youth Engagement Practice in Mental Health; The Art of Youth Engagement; Bring Family Engagement into Action resources – Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health Orygen […]

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[…] with a variety of difficult demands in life. GSES is available in multiple languages. Resources The Highly Sensitive Person This website provides information, resources and self- tests for highly sensitive people or their children. What is Cultural Safety Ҁ“ and Why Should I Care About it? Cultural safety means understanding how colonizing […]

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[…] comm only used and nuanced language; build awareness around the social and mental health challenges transgender individuals face in the contemporary world; and integrate this learning into practice. ——- r e f l e c t i v e p r a c t i c e As a stapl e to competent nursing […]

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[…] wayfinding methods (signage or site maps) for easier navigation of office sites. Client’s families and/or natural supports may receive a tour, but no map provided. Communication materials, such as pamphlets and print materials use small font sizes and do not always use plain language. Print materials may not be available in alternate formats […]

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[…] wayfinding methods (signage or site maps) for easier navigation of office sites. Client’s families and/or natural supports may receive a tour, but no map provided. Communication materials, such as pamphlets and print materials use small font sizes and do not always use plain language. Print materials may not be available in alternate formats […]

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[…] the 165/167 St. Mary’s Road site. The residents are a welcome part of clinical teams and give MATC psychiatrists an opportunity to provide guidance, education and unique learning experiences to the next wave of psychiatric graduates. This year we will also welcome third and fourth year medical clerks for brief clinical postings. The MATC […]

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[…] on your time like arguments with friends or family, or being bullied. Positive stress can happen too, like when you play a game or prepare for a test. Either way, stress over a long peri- od of time can impact your mental and physical health. It’s time to pause, connect, re- set. Stress Hacks […]

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[…] within the public and private school systems within Winnipeg and the surrounding areas who are experiencing challenges with emotional, social, and behavioral issues that are effecting their learning successes. Referral Process Referrals are best suited for SMHRT when the referral is in collaboration between school teams and parents requesting assistance with enhancing school based […]

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[…] plans where clinically appropriate. All staff will be advised of CODI training modules and will be encouraged to participate in appropriate training as required in their clinical practice. Determine feasibility of job shadowing between mental health and AFM by Ma y 2013. Complete CODI audit to assess current integration of assessment and treatment planning […]

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