Mental Health Services for Children, Youth & Families

Intensive Treatment Service (ITS) – Inpatient Service

120 Tecumseh Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3E 2A9
204-477-6391  •   204-783-8948

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The Intensive Treatment Service is a hospital based service that provides inpatient assessment, treatment and/or stabilization to youth ages 12 -17 years with persistent and serious Mental Health Disorders. 

Population Served

Adolescents ages 12 to 17 years from Manitoba and the North.

Referral Process

This service is reserved for referrals internal to the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service. Referrals are directed to the Program Manager, Intensive Treatment Service.  Referrals are accepted by telephone 204-204-477-6391 or by fax at 204-783-8948.

Community Physician referrals are directed to the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centralized Intake Service at phone:  204-958-9660, or fax: 204-958-9626.

Services Offered

The service is grounded on the principles of Recovery and Psycho-social Rehabilitation with the goal of youth transitioning back to their family, community and school life as soon as possible.

An interdisciplinary Treatment Team approach is used to plan and provide care for patients and their families. Depending on individual treatment needs and goals, patients and their family may see health care professionals in disciplines which may include Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists, Psychiatry Residents, Nurses, Social Workers, Adolescent Mental Health Workers, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, and Teachers. 

MATC is a teaching site affiliated with post-secondary educational institutions including the Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Manitoba, Brandon University, Red River College and others.  Residents and trainees from the above disciplines may participate in a youth’s care under the supervision of MATC staff.

Admissions / Referral Process:

Patients must have an identified primary psychiatric illness and be in need of inpatient treatment or comprehensive diagnostic services not available or practical in a less restrictive environment as determined by a Psychiatrist who has recently assessed the patient.

Patients should be at a developmental level and be medically stable to have some ability to participate in inpatient treatment.  Inpatient conditions must be conducive to the provision of safe, comprehensive care.

Admission requirements include a physician referral, a recent psychiatric assessment, before and after care support by the patient’s primary health care provider and parent/guardian/caregiver involvement.   Admissions are time limited and vary depending on the psychiatric needs of the youth.

Referrals are accepted internally from within the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service.

Course of Hospitalization

 The inter-professional Treatment Team along with the patient and their support system/family will prioritize goals for the hospitalization.  Diagnostic evaluations that may be indicated during the hospitalization include:  

  • Blood tests and other investigations as needed
  • Educational testing
  • Tests related to physical and mental functioning (occupational therapy)
  • Psychological testing
  • Family, environmental assessment

Medication trials will be initiated based on diagnostic need.  Family assessments and parent education are an integral part of the service, as well as follow-up planning. 

Patient and group safety is carefully maintained.  The patient is expected to attend treatment groups in order to learn needed skills and strategies to function once they return to their family and community.

Discharge Planning:

 Patients are considered to be ready for discharge when the Treatment Team determines they can receive safe and appropriate care in a less restrictive setting.  Every effort is made to provide appropriate treatment and post-hospitalization care plans to enable youth to return to their family, community and school life as soon as possible.