Youth Addictions Centralized Intake Service is created to support parents of the Youth Drug Stabilization Act and to coordinate and manage resources and wait lists for addiction services for youth in Manitoba.
Timeline Slider
MATC expanded its psychiatric itinerant services to include the Regional Health Authorities of Burntwood, Parklands, Norman, Interlake, South Eastman and North Eastman.
MATC incorporates telehealth into its service delivery system.
MATC incorporated the Co-Occurring Disorders Initiative into its service delivery bringing together service providers from the fields of mental health and addictions to provide services to clients who have both addiction and mental health issues.
MATC announced the creation of the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Service.
MATC consolidated the Assessment Service Program and the Intensive Treatment Program into the Intensive Treatment Services Program.
MATC announced the creation of a Centralized Intake Service.
The Early Childhood Clinic is created.
MATC reduced from 25 to 14 beds and converted a Residential Unit into a Day Treatment Unit. Resources as result of bed reductions were redeployed to MATC’s community based programs.
MATC became part of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and the WRHA Child & Adolescent Mental Health Program.
MATC signed a formal Tripartite Agreement with the Winnipeg Hospital Authority and the Winnipeg Community and Long Term Care Authority.